Feed Our Hungry Children Backpack Ministry is an interdenominational effort to provide meals for food insecure school children in Duplin County Schools. The ministry currently serves five schools. The school social workers find participants.
Backpacks are packed at Wallace Methodist Church on Thursdays by rotating teams of volunteers from local churches, organizations, and the greater community. Other individuals deliver the backpacks to the schools where the school social workers distribute them.
During the 2023-2024 school year 6,186 backpacks were provided for the weekends. Additionally, nine hundred backpacks were provided for summer distribution.
For more information about the Backpack Ministry, contact:
Jim Perry at jeperry1203@gmail.com Connie Perkins at chperkins1@gmail.com
Backpack Ministry is a Ministry that is in partnership with the Duplin Christian Outreach Ministries Crisis Center a Nonprofit 501c- located at Blessings In Store, 127 W Mains Street, Wallace, NC. 28466. Phone number: 910-285-5557
Donations to this Ministry can be mailed or brought to DCOM. DCOM doors are open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday weekly, with the exception of a holiday or vacation.