205 W Main Street, Wallace, NC 28466
Operation hours: 9am until 11:30am Tuesdays and Thursdays. A referral from DCOM is required.
314 E Church Street, Rose Hill, NC 28458
Operation hours: 11am until 12pm - 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Referrals list (Seniors)
2635 S. NC Highway #11, Rose Hill, NC 28458
Operation hours: 12pm until 1pm. 1st, 2nd and 5th on Fridays each month. With or Without Referrals
133 James Sprunt Drive, Kenansville, NC 28349
Operation hours: By request only Monday - Thursday, weekly. Request are by Students, Faculty, and/or Community. You can call and make a pickup appointment.
1224 Red Hill Road, Mt. Olive, NC 28365
Operation hours: 9am until 10am, 2nd and 4th Saturday monthly. Drive-Thru Event
Operation hours: 3rd Friday monthly. Serving Rose Hill, Greenevers, and Magnolia community. Referral from DCOM is required.